All-Con is a pretty unique con. It has a very broad focus, as it's name implies, and welcomes fans from any type of geek culture. There's a real focus on costuming and maker culture. Many of the panels focus on DIY skills, which is one of the reasons I love the con. When I go to panels, I want to learn stuff. All-Con typically has a laid-back familial party atmosphere, I gather.
My husband, showing off his spikey bowler in the hotel bar. |
But I wasn't at the con for most of the time. I've been struggling with a flare of my back condition for the last month or so, and I wasn't sure if I was even going to be able to go. So I intentionally limited my con time so I would be able to do the things I'd agreed to do, namely, presenting three panels on corsets.
This year the con put more effort into a steampunk track and took on a new steampunk track coordinator, who is a friend of mine. She reached out to the community to organize panels, and that's how I ended up doing these corset panels. Which is cool cause I love blabbering about corsets to people.
On Friday night there was a steampunk music night which included Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands. I saw this band previously about a year ago in Houston. They instantly became one of my favorite steampunk bands. So I was super excited they were playing this con. I went to the con on Friday JUST to see them.
The concert was held in the Penthouse Ballroom on the top floor of the hotel. As far as I know it was the only event held up there and I had trouble figuring out where it was even taking place. Apparently either a lot of people did, or not many people realized the event was even happening. It was scheduled at the same time as Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is a big deal at this con. So the audience was really, really small.
Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands |
I also have to give a shout out to Crystal herself for being a super sweet person. My husband and I were sitting at the bar in the hotel lobby before the show and she came up to us to say hi because she remembered us from the show a year ago. And she was equally lovely after the show as people bought merch. It's not a lot of lead singers who I end up hugging. But I was a little ashamed that more people didn't attend their show, especially the steampunk community. We need to support our own!
Me, in the Steampunk Cleopatra, with husband. |
I stayed for the next panel in the room, which was a Victorian fencing demonstration presented by the local Victorian fencing society. It was super interesting and fun. I'm already a fencing fan due to the Olympics, but it was neat to see it so close and see the difference in Victorian style fencing from modern fencing. As well as learning some of the history.
After that I attended a panel on Small Business for Creative Types. The presenter was obviously very knowledgeable, but much of the panel involved talking to the people in the audience and got into specifics that weren't super relevant to me. I was used as the example business for much of the panel since I had an established business. But it did underline some things I really need to consider and focus on to get my business better organized and got me thinking in some new directions.
I had intended to attend another panel on armor builds after that, but I was in a good amount of pain from sitting and couldn't face another panel. So I headed for the vendor room to finally look around in there. The room itself was nicely laid out and roomy. There wasn't a huge amount of people in there when I was there. The vendors were mostly small craft businesses in keeping with the con's focus on making. Which is nice to see, but at the same time I missed having more typical large sellers of things like T-shirts, comics, books, etc. There were a good number of steampunk vendors, most of whom I know. And most of whom said they weren't doing very well in sales. People just weren't buying, apparently.
This lady has a cane that is also a working violin! |
Maybe some of this is because peak public interest in steampunk has passed. But I know from other cons that there are still people out there who are just getting into the culture, but those are people who are harder to reach. If we want to have vibrant steampunk tracks at cons, we need to do better about getting the word out.
Another word about the con tracks. There are a bunch of tracks at All-con. Star Wars is a big one because the 501st is very involved in the con. (Of course, I actually didn't see the large numbers of 501st people that I'd expect. Where were they hanging out?) They also have a science track, comics track, a few burlesque panels, and a Disney track. Probably more that I've forgotten. But it seemed to me like the schedule wasn't very well planned in regards to these tracks. You would see several Star Wars panels scheduled at the same time. And several steampunk panels. I realized they were probably trying to accommodate panelist schedules, but I think the con would be better if the tracks were better organized. It'd be nice if someone could attend a steampunk panel in every time slot. Or Star Wars, etc. I'd like to see the con focus on building out their track structure.
On Sunday I was scheduled to present my Corsets 101 panel a second time. I got to the room early and got to sit in on a panel by some steampunk friends on using historical inspiration in developing your steampunk persona. It was totally interesting and inspiring. I only had a few people at my panel. There were a lot of people who wished I was doing the Corset Making panel again instead of the 101. But it went fine.
Afterwards I just talked with some friends here and there and then left pretty early. I was worn out and we had a long drive back home that day.
Overall, I had a good time. The strength of this con was almost definitely the quality of the panels. It had a bit of a rough time with the hotel change, and I believe reduced attendance. Parking was an issue, with some parking not being available and some being super expensive. I felt the layout of the con affected the vibe and kinda broke up the community atmosphere I felt before at All-Con. I know I went all day Saturday without seeing some several friends who were there. I suspect future cons won't be held at this location, from chatter I heard.
But I continue to wish All-Con in general and steampunk at All-Con specifically all the best for the future. And I hope to be there again. Because, if I haven't said it yet, everyone involved in the planning of the con and the staffing seems to be top-notch and good people. It's a By Fans For Fans kinda event, the kind we need all the more with the increasing corporate focus of the larger cons.
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