Monday, February 4, 2013

Dress Diary: Steampunk Cleopatra: Complete Outfit

The post we've all been waiting for, the finished costume!!!

First a note on the photos.  I hoped, way back, that I would be able to get professional shots taken of this.  But due to a serious lack of time, I wasn't able to get that done by the contest due date.  Then I had planned on traveling to Houston in the costume and having some shots done by an amateur photographer at a steampunk picnic this weekend.  But my back went out on Wednesday, severely limiting my ability to sit or stand for any period of time.   So I had to simply get what I could in my own yard, with my husband as a photographer.  So please excuse the non-perfect photography.  Also I can barely stand in these photos, although the corset also doesn't give me much of an option to do anything else.

Remember the original?


  1. This is amazing! You look so good in this outfit :)

  2. great job! and if your corset fits well, you may find it supportive when your back gives out. i have worn mine a time or six to support my sore back.

    1. Thanks! Actually I use corsets all the time for back support. I have a corset I wear a few hours a day for the purpose. So yes, I've found the same thing.

  3. I love all the details: the gold pleated trim on the train in particular. actually I lvoe that style of train

  4. Replies
    1. Ooooh, Miss Violet! Just in case you missed it, Miss Maeve Alpin included a photo of you and herself from Comicpalooza in her latest blog post. It was so exciting to see your fantastic ensemble featured! Here is the post:

  5. Bravo! Looks like all your hard work paid off in spades ;) Thanks so much for letting us follow your process in such great detail, and thanks, as well, for the trail that led to "Time and Materials" on Etsy - what a great resource!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, there are so many great etsy sellers, but I have to say I really love the gears I got from that shop.

  6. It is lovely. Great job! I love all the details, and that corset is simply gorgeous.

  7. This is gorgeous! Have you seen that the theme for Steamcon this year is Around the World in 80 Days? This would be perfect! The details are amazing!

    1. I would love to attend, but I just can swing the finances for the travel. Not to mention I'm having trouble with my husband getting enough time off to make the events I'm already attending this year.

  8. Outstanding! Can't decide which is more fabulous - the front or the back of the skirt. The whole outfit is great! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm pretty impressed by how the back came out, too, since I didn't pay all that much attention to it. :)

  9. I love it! Amazing costume, love the clock hands on the front of the skirt!

  10. I knew this would be a great success, though I was growling in sympathy frustration reading about your trials with the corset. You should be so proud!

    1. Thanks so much! And I'm glad my trials provoked sympathy instead of ridicule. :)

  11. So beautiful... and so you! Unique and quirky. Love it! :0)

