Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 In Corsets

This is mostly for my own reference and to document a lot of what I've been up to in the last year, most of which I didn't post on this blog.  So here are all the corsets I made in 2013.

As you can tell I focused on underbusts and experimenting with different patterns over the year.  The last three corsets are all from the same pattern, made to different measurements.  I plan to start offering this pattern of corset made-to-measure on etsy soon.  Also the red taffeta corset with velvet scrolls and the brown and gold brocade corsets are still for sale.  

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of lovely corsets! Amazing how you matched the pattern on the last one! Great work! Here's to more Steampunk events and outfits for both of us in 2014!

