Sunday, October 21, 2012

Simplicity 1819 Corset Pattern

Of all the Simplicity steampunk patterns, my new favorite is Simplicity 1819.  All of its components (with the possible exception of the shirt) are attractive.  I've made the long skirt, which is a nice all-purpose steampunk skirt.  I intend to make both the bolero and the short overskirt eventually.  And now I've also made the corset.

I totally ignored the instructions that came with it, of course and just made it the way I would any corset.  This is an unaltered version of the pattern, since I made it as a display sample, not to fit someone particular.  I really like the finished look.  It would probably be a pretty good first corset pattern for someone to work with.


  1. I too have just finished the long skirt from this pattern! The most complicated thing I've made so far with all the bits and pieces, but doesn't look too bad! ;) I know have to make the bustle pillow as the skirt droops at the back on me. Apparently my bottom isn't as big as I thought it was lol..... thanks for all your inspiring pics.

  2. This was my first ever finished corset, I went straight off the pattern, and it was quite easy, with the help of my sewing goddess friend I got the whole thing done in one day. I also made the short skirt (it is short!) and bustled overskirt with the pillow, of course, and it is a super fun bustle to wear! Did you put a busk in the front of yours? I have non-functioning buttons down the front, but I would love it if the front opened. I have a purchased corset with a busk and it is so much easier to put on! I can't wait for all my work to come together this weekend at Steamcon!

    1. I'm so impressed that you made it in one day! This took me 3 or 4, I think, but then I have limited sewing time per day. Yes, I added a busk to the front. I really dislike corsets without busks, so unless I have a really good reason I will always include them since they make them so much easier to wear. I'm jealous you get to go to Steamcon. Have a great time!

    2. It was a full day to get it done. We call them sewing sweatshop days. I have no real place to set up a machine at my house, so I pack everything up and go to a friend's house in the morning and we sew and sew and sew our fingers to the bone. Plus she is so fast it makes me angry! She finishes whatever she is helping me with in no time flat and then is on to her next project. We are so excited for Steamcon. It is our second year, and the theme this year is awesome. We are so much better prepared this time around, we were lucky to have one costume finished each, this year I've got 4!

    3. since you made the short skirt, hopefully you can help me. This is my fist attempt at a major project and i'm to the part of putting the stuff onto the waistband. i feel like there isnt enough waistband for the amount of skirt. does the front and back overlap on the sides?

    4. hahaha. nevermind. i figured out what i was doing wrong. i guess i just needed to read the instructions another 12 times :-)

  3. I also finished this corset pattern this weekend. It was my first attempt at a corset and I ended up altering the front panel to incorporate an embroidery design. I do love your outer boning casings!

